15 to Fierce
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- December 1, 2015
Bestselling Author and Renowned ‘SuperWoman’ Coach Dr. Jaime Kulaga Helps Take Women from ‘15 Minutes to Fierce’
Maria Shriver’s ‘Architect of Change’ Launches New Self-Help Platform and Website for Women Seeking Work-Life Balance
(LOS ANGELES – DEC. 1, 2015) – What if you were told it could take only a fraction of an hour – 15 minutes, in fact – to achieve SuperWoman status in your life?
That is what Dr. Jaime Kulaga, licensed mental health counselor, national media personality, and inspirational author and speaker is committed to helping other women achieve when she introduces her new “15 Minutes to Fierce” digital platform today.
By accessing Dr. Jaime’s newly unveiled website (www.drjaimek.com), the acclaimed architect/creator/originator of the internationally renowned SuperWoman Workshop Series will present weekly “15 Minute to Fierce” webinars that offer women all over the world the opportunity to quickly and easily plug into high-voltage motivation that educates, enlightens and empowers through bite-size video content.
Based off her 2015 bestselling book, The SuperWoman’s Guide to Super Fulfillment: Step-by-Step Strategies to Create Work-Life Balance, Dr. Jaime’s “15 Minutes to Fierce” platform will give women quick and easily digestible tools to help them begin to achieve a natural balance between their professional careers and personal lives.
For only $15 per webinar, women from anywhere in the world at any time of day can sign in and experience 15-minute SuperWoman coaching that will teach them how to stop struggling with the intense pressure that society places on women for not ‘doing enough,’ step off this psychologically debilitating Ferris wheel of unrealistic expectations, and begin enjoying life again with fulfillment.
Following the inaugural “15 Minutes to Fierce” webinar topic — Prioritizing and Saying ‘No’ — some of the additional upcoming webinar topics to be featured in the series will include: de-stressing during the holidays, putting fire back in your relationships, putting yourself first, starting off the New Year with success, and more.
Says Dr. Jaime, “Remember, kindness does not equal doormat. And, I am here to tell you that it is okay to say no, delegate out and start doing for yourself. With some simple tips and tools the 15 Minutes to Fierce workshops will guide you into having the best of your personal and professional life, while still showing how to give to yourself and make you happy – guilt free! Heck – I use these tips myself, so I know they work!”
As a certified life coach, Dr. Jaime has dedicated herself for more than a decade to coaching individuals, corporate executives and organizations, and counseling couples. As a nationally revered expert in the mental health field and in work-life balance, Dr. Jaime is regularly featured in leading media outlets, including Forbes, Glamour, Self, and Prevention. She also has the honor of being named as one of Maria Shriver’s “Architects of Change,” alongside fellow self-improvement industry heavyweights and New York Times bestselling authors such as Dr. Brene Brown, Dr. Dan Siegel, Gretchen Rubin, and Deepak Chopra.
For more information on Dr. Jaime Kulaga and her “15 Minutes to Fierce” project, visit www.drjaimek.com.
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